Unsecured loans do not carry very high amounts and thus, it really depends on the type of improvements you need to make whether an unsecured loan can provide the needed funds or not. Unsecured personal loans can easily provide funds to finance home improvement projects from a couple of hundred dollars up to tens of thousands.
Home equity loans (secured loans), on the other hand, can reach hundred of thousands dollars that can fund more expensive home improvements projects like rebuilding a property, adding floors to a building, etc. Thus, depending on the kind of project you have in mind you will need a secured loan or you may do fine with an unsecured loan.
Unsecured loans don't have long repayment programs. However, given that almost no one undertaking a home improvement project wants to finance for more than 5 years, truth is that unsecured loans do not present limitations on this matter. An unsecured loan repayment program can last from a couple of months up to five years.
Home equity loans for home improvements, on the other hand can be repaid in up to 15 years. These periods of time are useless for inexpensive home improvement projects but can be very useful for high cost home improvements. So, it definitely depends on the cost of the project whether you will do better with an unsecured loan or with a home equity loan or line of credit.
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